Friday, March 26, 2010

Viva La Revolucion!!!!

Its not often that I say this, but I think I agree with him. President Obama has done what I didn't think was possible and has signaled that he would like to lift some if not all of the restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba. This is welcome news for those who love liberty. It should never be up to the government to decide who the sovereign citizens of the United States can or should trade with or visit. Although I understand there are limits to this line of thinking it should be a general principle that our nation should try to adhere. Read the article below and start making your travel plans, unless you're are one of the many who'll object to this decisiion. So what are your thoughts? Can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Cuba Readies for U.S. Tourists With Luxury Hotels (Update1) -


  1. I understand where you are coming from. The only difference is, is what is your motivation and what is his. You want it for freedom and he want it because he's a socialist appeaser. Right or Wrong? I'm indifferent. Mark

  2. I get what you're saying, but a good result is a good result and I won't get myself worked up over motives. My hope is that the Republican party doesn't make an issue out of this.
